Society for Contemporary American Literature in German (SCALG)


The Society for Contemporary American Literature in German (SCALG) is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Indiana (April, 25, 1993). Its purpose is the support of contemporary literature by German writers in North America through various means including:

  • Publication of the German-American literary journal TRANS-LIT2
  • Promotions of readings and discussions
  • Awarding the Lisa & Robert Kahn Prize for Poetry in German
  • Awarding the Geertje Potash-Suhr Prize for Prose in German
  • Organization of workshops for members
  • Announcement of recent publications by American writers writing in German

The Society and editors of TRANS-LIT2 also welcome submissions by German-writing, bi-or multicultural authors living anywhere on the globe.

TRANS-LIT2 is the journal of the Society for Contemporary American Literature in German (SCALG) and appears twice a year.

Albrecht Classen, president
Irmgard Hughes, TransLit2 editor
Jolyon T. Hughes, treasurer, webmaster and TransLit2 co-editor

Cover Art: 

Book Review Editor:

Send volumes of literary works for possible review to this address:

Irmgard Hunt
Professor Emerita
Colorado State University
Department of World Languages and Cultures & Literatures
1615 Adriel Way
Fort Collins, CO 80524

Electronic submissions (email attachment only) of poetry (up to 125 lines) and short prose (up to 12,500 characters) by January 15 and September 1 (Microsoft word format, Times New Roman, Regular Font, 12 pt) to Irmgard Hunt @ Irmgard.Hunt@colostate.edu.

Regarding material other than poetry and short prose, please query first.


Albrecht Classen, president and organizer of Telgte in Tucson

SCALG Membership

, then complete the membership form

Society for Contemporary American Literature in German (SCALG). Annual membership dues notes (two issues of TRANS-LIT2 – 1 Spring edition and 1 Fall edition).

Please renew your membership, if you have not already done so.
Thank you!

Members: $35
Sponsors: $36-$54
Friends: $55 and up
Libraries/Institutions: $45
Overseas members, please add $30for postage (air). Donations are tax-deductible. Extra copies are $6.00 each + postage.

Make your check payable to SCALG and send to:
Jolyon T. Hughes
127 Ramblewood Drive
Statesboro, GA 30458

SCALG Book Reviews